Wednesday, August 6, 2008

VBS 2008

We had a great VBS the theme was the best! The girls visited some area VBS's with friends but the material covered during this past week was excellent. The 7C's of history (CREATION, CORRUPTION, CATASTROPHE, CONFUSION, CHRIST, CROSS, CONSUMATION) detailed the most important truths of the Word in the 5days of VBS. The girls love their CD the music & songs are gret & we listen to it all the time. They had 8 friends visit with them and they were excited about that. A lot of special people did a lot of hard work to make this week so special! I know my kids appreciated all the care & love put into making it so wonderful. I had a fun time with th 4 & 5 year olds, they are so funny. Ethan only was able to attend one night as he has mandatory football practice (Jr High-hard to believe) he was pretty bummed about that. Anyhow it was a great VBS & the girls were blessed to be able to attend 3 other wonderful VBS's with friends.


Jennifer said...

Hey Sherry,
So, I'm not going to show Ben the picture of Annie holding another boy's hand. Ha Ha. Miss you guys...sorry I never made a facebook account. I usually have to have Scott's help on this stuff.:-) I'll be adding you to my links soon...I have to remember how to do it! Love ya!

Patty said...

I'm happy that I was able to link to your blog from Jennifer's. :) Love the pictures from VBS--your kids are so adorable!!!