Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jr. High

I can't believe that little curly headed boy with his little buddy is a teenager. And yes I have cried many times this week and I am crying now! He is growing up, he started Jr Hi today I can't believe it, he will be 13 in a month, I was just sitting outside the kindergarten class at his assessment crying like a nut & I know that was just yesterday. I look at Bryce & get sad sometimes because he reminds me so much of Ethan and I really did not realize that you do blink & they are grown. He is such a wonderful young man, I am so proud of him and I wonder everyday how I was so fortunate to have God pick me to be his mommy. He is having many struggles right now with peer pressure & fitting in but I thank God that He has given Ethan the conscious that he has and the relationship we have that he talks to me about these things. My heart aches for him sometimes, and it is harder than I expected to make him understand that all this will pass & seem like a blur one day, cause it is hard for me to concieve as well. He has good friends & some that are just plain rotten, I just pray that God will use him in these kids lives in a positive way and that he does not follow their influence. He was excited about starting simply because he can see Kylie (his girlfriend) they do occassionally talk on the phone (very little though YEAH!) She is a great girl & has good christian home and parents, I pray this is the kind of girl God sends him. Of course Ethan has been in love with her since kindergarten when he hurt his knee on the monkey bar she went & got the teacher isn't that sweet, she told her mom once when they told her that when you like boy it is not about what he looks like but what kind of heart he has she said "well that Ethan Lawson sure does have a cute heart!" & his momma thinks so too. Last story about Ethan, at Open House his teacher last year wanted to speak with me & told me that she had just received his proficiency scores & he scored 520 something on the math section she said this is the highest score she has ever seen at Minford. The funny thing was I had just talked with his math teacher this year & told her although he does very well math is his weakness, he has to be pushed & easily frustarted, but what do I know. He is awesome! I love him so much & am so glad God gave him to me. He is wanting to start swimming Minford don't have a team so he even considered switching schools but someone told us there is a coach and teams that compete in Huntington so we may give that a try after football (anything to get him away from football). That would be good cause we could stop now & then & visit friend huh?


Patty said...

Ethan is a great kid--er, I mean young man. He will not disappoint you--although there may be times he'll make bad decisions, he will always know that he has parents who love him and a Heavenly Father who loves him more than anything. He'll find out who his real friends are in the next year or two--we'll have to pray that God leads him in his friend finding too.

Bryce had his first day of pre-school yesterday. He said he told Miss Stacy that he wasn't going to be back anymore. :( May be a long year. Hope your day is going great. Get ready for tomorrow--Annie going to school will really break your heart....and mine too. She should still be that chubby little baby girl!!! Love you all.

Jennifer said...

Ethan is absolutely great! I envision Ben growing into a young adult like him. At least, that's my prayer. Tell Ethan that I said to stick to his guns and not give in to that peer pressure. I almost did once the summer before my freshman year and it probably would have had major implications. Now looking back, the things and people I said no to are a faint memory. God definitely gave him his smarts for a reason!!! He wouldn't consider being a write-in for president, would he? After all, wasn't JOsiah younger than him when he took the throne?

Jennifer said...

Oh, yeah, please come visit anytime!!! Sorry we missed you the other day! Especially Ben!