Sunday, November 2, 2008

Presidential Inauguration Speech 2009

I have probably told you all that Ethan was invited to the Presidential Inauguration 2009 through the Jr National Young Presidential Inaugural Conference (JrNYPIC ) through his past involvement at Jr NYLC. He also had the opportunity to participate in a contest that will chose winners from speeches submitted by 12/19/2008, should he be fortunate enough to win, he will have the chance to introduce a keynote speaker at the conference (Lance Armstrong was going to be there but had to cancel) but there is John Edwards, Al Gore, a gentleman who climbed Mt Everest blind to name a few. Pray for him in this effort, if he does not win we pray that his speeches may be honoring to God, first & foremost we pray for his safety at this conference, that God will have the opportunity to teach him as well as use him for His benefit. Pray for the election and the future of our country, I uploaded the speechs below, me being the procrastinator I tend to be waited til today & realized I could not upload from the SD card, thanks to Holly for using her laptop & camera to save the day!!!!Thanks sooo much Holly if not for your help he could not have made the submission-all appears successful!!. ..............Can you believe this is my kid......God gave him to Him be all the glory for the wonderful little guy he is .....and man he is becoming...............I am so proud of him.

Lawson for Congress 2022 oh by the way he got his first future endorsement tonight!!!!!!


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